In our contemporary society people seek to cater for a variety of needs shaped by the cultural, economic, and technological context of our time.
Safety and security
People need to feel safe and secure in their daily lives, both physically and financially.
Affiliation and social connection
People have a fundamental need to connect and belong to a community, whether it be family, friends, or a larger social group.
Self-esteem and recognition
People need to feel valued and respected, and often seek recognition for their accomplishments and contributions.
People have a need for personal growth and fulfilment, often through creative expression, learning, or pursuing one’s passions.
Physical and mental health
People need to maintain their physical and mental health in order to lead fulfilling lives.
Economic stability
People need access to resources and financial security in order to meet their basic needs and provide for themselves and their families.
Environmental sustainability
As awareness of environmental issues grows, people are increasingly seeking ways to live sustainably and protect the planet for future generations.
Needs can vary on importance and priority depending on an individual’s personal circumstances and cultural background.
The Wooden Hut
Our creation of a physical context through the use of ‘wooden huts’ and the use of ‘light’ signifies the evolution of civilization and the development of society reminding viewers of the gradual progression of these elements over time.
The decorated huts allow the audience to engage with the Cycladic artefacts in an ongoing conversation about ‘belongingness’ but also ‘simplicity’.
The hut provides ‘protection’ . In doing so, it creates a scope for serving a ‘purpose’. It sustains life and the sense of human dignity in serving one’s basic needs.
The Cycladic artefacts have always managed to create amazement because of the manner they communicate a synthesis of aesthetics about human existence.
Their shapes display a unique representation about human bonding and the meaning of a family.
In a symbolic gesture the Cycladic people understood that it would not be possible for the child to be raised up without being supported on ‘both’ sides.
Since their conception images of bonding continue to trigger emotions of acceptance. They Cycladic figurines reveal a series of overlapping inner qualities about strength and forgiveness.
Their standing heritage preserved over so many centuries is a conversation between ‘conflict’ ‘acceptance’ and ‘interdependence’. It concerns all of humanity!
We introduce actual light through LED strips to engage with the Cycladic artefacts about the literal and symbolic meaning of ‘light’.
Light provides a source of illumination. Light is the source of illumination. It carries a spiritual and metaphorical connotation about the internal self and the light of the soul!
Our range of creative interventions concentrate on the Cycladic artefacts but also move beyond them to other ancient Greek reproductions as seen below.
Our aim is to identify their significance at the time of their creation but also their relevance for us today.